Data Privacy Policy
At Yaram we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and service users. This policy details what we do with your data, where it is held and your rights. This policy applies where we are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data collected.
We will securely hold your data if you have provided us with a hard opt in i.e. you’ve made a conscious effort to let us know you want to hear from us online, on feedback forms or on our newsletter subscription form.
With your consent we will use your data to answer your queries, send marketing communications, news and information by email for our annual programme, including but not limited to tours, events. festivals and engagement programmes.
Data Storage:
We will not share your data with third party organisations. We will share anonymous data as required by Arts Council England, and as such it will also be stored by the Audience Agency [who hold the box office data] for when you purchase tickets directly from our websites.
Physical records - any physical papers including financial reports, legal checks, invoicing, or any records that may be held for the purpose of fulfilling contractual agreements. These documents will be held in a secure location with a two-lock process for security purposes.
Digital records - all personal data records including personal data records and protected information will be held on secure databases which will be held on a secure digital server with a two-password process for security purposes.
YOUR RIGHTS: It’s okay to change your mind, if you no longer want to hear from us, please feel free to unsubscribe - we will be sad to see you go.
REQUESTS: As part of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation which comes in effect from Friday 25th May 2018, you are now able to request information about what data we have about you, where it is held and request the deleting or destroying of your personal data should you wish.